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Donor-Advised Fund

A donor-advised fund (or DAF) might be a great solution for you. You can use a DAF to distribute gifts to numerous charities. With a DAF, you can make gifts to charity during your lifetime, and when you pass away, your children can carry on your legacy of giving.

Flowchart: Donor transfers stock or cash to a donor-advised fund and the donor-advised fund makes charitable distributions.

You enjoy several benefits with your donor-advised fund

  • Establish a flexible vehicle for annual charitable giving
  • Benefit from a more tax and cost efficient alternative to a private foundation
  • Obtain a charitable income tax deduction in the year of your gift

How a donor-advised fund works

  1. You make an initial, irrevocable gift of cash or stock to fund a DAF at a sponsoring organization
  2. The assets in your DAF grow tax-free
  3. You make annual recommendations on gifts to be made from your DAF

Gifts from your donor-advised fund

Your donor-advised fund has several advantages. You can make one larger gift to a DAF and then recommend grants to us and other nonprofits. You can use the "Make a Gift From My DAF" tool to contact your DAF provider and make a grant. We will acknowledge your generous gift as a DAF distribution.

Contact us

If you have any questions about donor-advised funds, please contact us. We would be happy to assist you and answer any questions you might have.

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